Data Protection

Privacy Policy

The protection and security of your personal data is important to us. We therefore only collect, process and store the most necessary personal data on our website in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - GDPR).

Personal data is information that can be used to identify you personally, such as your name, address, phone number, email address or IP address. It is generally possible to use the information provided by us without providing this data. If your data is collected and used, this is only done as described in this privacy policy.

Your personal data is collected and used exclusively for the purpose of making your visit to our website as pleasant as possible. Data processing for the aforementioned purposes is in our legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR and is otherwise based on Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR.

Your data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.


1. Responsible persons and company data protection officers

This privacy policy applies to data processing by:

Responsible: Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB, Balanstraße 57, 81541 Munich, Germany


Telephone: +49(0)89 450918-0

Telefax: +49(0)89 450918-12

The company data protection officer of Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner can be contacted at the above address, Attn: Data Protection Officer, or at


2. Gathering and storing personal data and the nature and purpose of its use

a. Handling of IP addresses
Each time a user accesses our website and each time a file is retrieved, our web server temporarily collects log information about these processes, such as browser type, date and time of retrieval, the IP address of the requesting computer, name of the requested file, website from which the retrieval is made, access status ('file transferred', 'file not transferred', etc.) and the amount of data transferred. Before storage, each data record is anonymized by changing the IP address.

These data are only evaluated for statistical and system-related purposes, in particular to establish a connection and to ensure system security and stability, and are then deleted. However, we do not use the data to draw conclusions about your person.

b. Handling of emails
In the event that you send us an email, your email address and any other personal data (e.g. name and address) will only be used for correspondence with you and to process your request. Email correspondence can also take place by clicking on contact email addresses embedded on the website, which opens an email in your email program (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.).

Once the correspondence has been completed, your email address will be deleted, unless there are statutory retention obligations. Such retention obligations arise in particular due to professional regulations. According to § 50 para. 1 sentence 2 BRAO (Federal Lawyers' Act), there is a retention obligation of six years. Pursuant to Section 44 (1) sentence 2 PAO (Patent Attorney Code), the Patent Attorney must retain the files for a period of six years after the end of the assignment.

There will be no other use or disclosure to third parties.

Information transmitted to us by unencrypted email may be read by third parties during transmission. It is generally not possible for us to verify your identity on the basis of the email address and other information contained in the email, which is why legally secure communication by email cannot be guaranteed. Due to the use of so-called spam filters against unwanted advertising, it can happen in individual cases that normal emails are automatically marked as "spam" and deleted. Emails containing harmful programs ("malware") are also automatically deleted by us.

c. Cookies
A cookie is a text file that is sent when you visit a website and is stored on the user's hard drive of our website. Cookies do not cause any damage to your end device and do not contain any malware, Trojans or other malicious software.

We store so-called session cookies on your hard drive, which are only valid for the duration of your visit to our website. These are required to identify and authorize you for the entire duration of your visit once you have successfully accessed our website. However, this does not mean that we immediately gain knowledge of your identity. At the end of your visit, these cookies are automatically deleted from your hard drive.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can prevent the use of cookies by blocking the setting of cookies by this website ( in your browser (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera). However, complete deactivation may mean that you cannot use all the functions of our website.

d. Integration of an external service provider
We do not collect any personal data about visitors to our website. Depending on the access protocol used, our service provider stores the date and time of your visit, the access method/function requested by the requesting computer, the input values transmitted by the requesting computer (file name, ...), the access status of the web server (file transferred, file not found, command not executed, etc.) and the name of the requested file. The IP address of the computer from which the request was sent is not stored. The service provider only provides us with aggregated information about the number of visitors in relation to the domain name.


3. Your Rights

In accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to the described collection and use of your data with effect for the future, provided that there are reasons for this arising from your particular situation. An email to is sufficient.

Moreover, you have the following rights to your data:

  • Right of Information, Art. 15 GDPR
  • Right of Rectification, Art. 16 GDPR
  • Right of Cancellation, Art. 17 GDPR
  • Right of restriction of processing in accordance with the requirements of Art. 18 GDPR
  • Right of Data Transfer, Art. 20 GDPR
  • Right of revocation of consent given within the scope of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a GDPR to the use or storage of your data, Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR
  • Right of complaint to the competent supervisory authority in the event of data protection violations, Art. 77 GDPR (usually the supervisory authority of your place of residence or our registered office)


4. Data Protection

To protect your transmitted data, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) method. You can recognize such encrypted connections by the prefix "https://" in the page link in the address bar of your browser. Unencrypted pages are marked with "http://".

On request, we can offer you further precautions to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data collected online (e.g. offering cryptographic procedures and protocols). If you wish to send us an email with sensitive content, we strongly recommend that you encrypt it to prevent unauthorized access and falsification during transmission.

We will be happy to send you our public PGP key on request.


5. Use of LinkedIn

This website uses a social media plugin to connect to the professional online network LinkedIn. This social media plugin allows you to like, comment on and share the content of this website on LinkedIn or to follow our profile on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

You can recognize the LinkedIn social media plugin on our website by the LinkedIn logo or the LinkedIn "Recommend" button. If you have a LinkedIn user account and are logged in to it while visiting our website, you can link the content of our website to your LinkedIn profile by clicking on the LinkedIn logo or Recommend button ("Recommend") displayed by LinkedIn, which enables LinkedIn to assign the visit to our website to your LinkedIn user account.

We have no influence on the data that LinkedIn collects in this context. We also have no influence on the scope of the data collected by LinkedIn. We do not know the content of the data transmitted to LinkedIn.

Further information on data collection and the handling of collected data by LinkedIn as well as your rights and setting options can be found in LinkedIn's privacy policy:


6. Contact Form

A contact form is available on our website. The contact form allows you to contact us easily and securely and enables us to process your request quickly. Personal data is collected using the contact form. In total, the following information is collected:

  • Your name and surname
  • Your email address
  • Your message
  • Your confirmation that you have taken note of our privacy policy
  • Date and time the contact form was sent.

The legal basis for the collection of this data is based on our legitimate interest in using the information of the person who contacts us with a request in order to process the request (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. EU GDPR).

Your data will be stored for communication with our law firm until your request has been dealt with or you object to the storage. You can object to the storage at any time by sending an email to or Your data will then be completely deleted.

Your data will not be compared with other data or passed on to third parties.


7. Validity of and changes to this privacy policy

This privacy policy is currently valid and is dated June 2024.

Due to the further development of our website and offers on it or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may become necessary to change this data protection declaration. You can access and print out the current privacy policy at any time on the website at